
Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Journey Begins

Wanna join me on a journey?  I've been entirely absent from blogging for some time now, and there's a fairly good reason for that.

But I'm back in the game now, so to speak, and for anyone who wishes to join me along the way, I've got a story to tell.  The story isn't complete yet; it's definitely still in the making.  But you can jump in at any point, or you can not and I don't care.  I decided to embark on this journey for my sake alone, so I will not be offended to travel this road myself.

Well, I won't really be entirely alone, but maybe no one cares to read about it.  You see, Tim is definitely along for the ride.  And so are my kids.  Including the one who prompted this journey.  The one that will join our family in early November of this year.

Yes, that's right folks.  If you have stuck with me so far, and are just realizing this now, we are indeed a growing family.  Baby #4 will join us in a few long short months.  We are ALL SO EXCITED!!!  And even though we're not even half way yet, we've discovered a few things along the road so far that have made me determined to chronicle the story of adding our fourth child to this family.  There have been some things that have happened so far that I definitely want to document, some things that have happened so far that have really caused me to reflect, and some things so far that have really made me laugh.  And I want to remember all of it.  So there provides the material for this story that I am compelled to tell.  Let the journey begin!

(P.S.  I suppose I should clarify that this also helps explain my extended absence from blogging.  For the last three months, if it didn't involved laying on the couch and being completely unproductive, I've had no interest!!  I have been a completely dysfunctional member of society in a total fog of first trimester exhaustion.  Somehow, I manage to keep my 3 small children and husband safe, fed, and clothed.  Somehow.  Barely.  But I think I've finally turned a corner and am returning to some semblance of life.  Thankfully!)


  1. Wow, Amy! This is so exciting. Blogging is definitely a great outlet. Hope to connect with you more!

  2. Congrats! I was wondering because you had been so quiet which is unlike you! And based on a few of the comments. You know how my baby sniffer is always out ;) Looking forward to following the journey!

  3. Oh, so happy for you and Tim! so glad you're starting to feel a bit more "normal" ;) And I'm honored to join you on your journey. thanks for letting us share in your joy!
