
Friday, August 26, 2011

Week 18: June 6, 2011

There's this phenomenon that happens between most women when they first get pregnant.  At least the first time around.  We want to know EVERYTHING.  So, we do what we know how: we talk about pregnancy and childbirth and having babies with anyone who will listen.  And we read everything we can get our hands on.  And we subscribe to every pregnancy website we can find.  We check these sources religiously each week, learning about each week and stage of pregnancy along the way.  We know when our babies hearts start beating, when their boy and girl parts form, when their fingernails grow, when they eyes start sensing light, when they can start hearing our voices.

But in subsequent pregnancies, we consider ourselves experienced veterans, so this stuff all falls by the wayside.  Until you have older siblings that become curious about this stuff.  Once again, I have found myself joining  Sophia and Noah are constantly asking how big the baby is, and this has been such a great resource to show them.  Each week, babycenter compares the size of your baby to a common fruit or vegetable.  It's been such a great visual to give the kids some kind of idea as to what is happening inside of my ever growing belly.  This week, our baby happens to be the size of a bell pepper.

Still haven't decided what we're going to do at our ultrasound in a couple of weeks.  At this point, we're thinking we're going to find out, but I hate fully committing yet.  We've told a few people that we might do it, but I keep leaving the door open and saying we aren't totally sure yet.  True enough; I'm still not all the way convinced.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so fun to share the experience of this miracle with your other miracles!
    If you really are unsure, you could always decided to have the Tech put the sex of the baby in a sealed envelope for you to take with you and open when/if you decide to. Of course, you've done enough ultrasounds to possibly see for yourself if you're not careful! :)
    Hope you're feeling well, friend.
