
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Week 34: The Name Game

At this point our biggest issue is agreeing on a name.  Which is clearly a problem for us.  If we were in agreement, we would have a name by now.  This is the first time I remember this happening, but I have one idea and Tim has another.
Every time I bring up the topic, in an effort to bring us to some kind of agreement, our discussion goes something like this:

Me: "So, what are we going to name this baby?"
Tim: "I don't know.  What do you think?"

And that sums it up pretty well.  That's as far as we ever get.

But every time I turn around, someone is asking me what her name is.  I have no answer.  Still.  I'm ready to have it decided.  I feel like part of the reason to find out the gender ahead of time is so that we could name our baby and so I could start thinking of her by name.

Tim suggested at some point over the summer that he might be bribed to agree to my name.  He's mentioned a few times that I have come up with no proper bribe to put this debate to rest.  But the problem with that is that I don't want to come to an agreement because I offered to do all the dishes for the remainder of time.  I want to be in agreement because we've decided whatever we name our daughter is truly the best name for her.  We're just not there.  Yet.   I keep trying for it.

On the other hand, it is nice to have a truthful way to deflect the "What is her name?" question, as I wouldn't answer it even if we did have a name decided.  There's gotta be some kind of surprise once she's born.  And it's just a lot easier to say that we haven't decided than it is to say that I'm not telling.

This weekend was the high schoolers fall retreat.  Once again, we weren't sure until the very last minute that me and the kids would be able to go, but thankfully it worked out for all of us to be there.  In fact, because of the vehicle situations and timing, Tim was even able to ride with us both ways!  What a special treat!  Especially since that meant that he was available to help unload and then reload all of our crap gear for the weekend!  What a blessing.

All of us had a great weekend with the high school kids, but I sure was glad we only had a weekend's worth of being at camp this time.  I don't think I could have handled much more of hauling my crew all over camp this time.  All of the buildings at camp are in relatively close proximity to each other, especially in comparison to the camp we were at in California, but it still felt like a major ordeal for me to carry anyone anywhere this time.  I was so thankful once again to have brought the stroller.  And believe me, I used it whenever possible this weekend.

This week was also Tim and I's tenth anniversary.  That's a big one!!!  We had always dreamed of taking some kind of celebratory vacation.  But, with being so close to having this baby, combined with the fact that we are still desperate to find someone to watch our kids while we are in the hospital, we decided we would have to hold off on that dream.  I'm trying not to dwell on it too much, but I can't lie about the fact that I am sad that it won't work.  Instead, we spent one night in a hotel on the north side of Denver.  Which was still great to get away.  But just doesn't compare to a week in Hawaii or some other tropical destination.

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