I hadn't had many very regular contractions since that night of my last appointment. I did go in this week, but there was nothing to check and therefore nothing to report at this point.
Wednesday night was the beginning of the little game this little peanut played, just to tease me. I had to work on Thursday, and so I was making an attempt to get to bed at a reasonable hour on Wednesday night, so that I could be as rested as possible before my o' dark hundred alarm went off in the
Our sweet and loving little girl had different plans for the night, though. That was the first night that I was awake through the night with contractions. They weren't regular enough that I made an attempt to time them (mainly because I was still clinging to hopes of a good night's sleep before work). After my fair share of labor and delivery stories already, I know that they number one thing they say once contractions start is to get as much rest as possible, because you just don't know how long it will last. So I kept telling myself this, and was very valiantly waging a losing war with the proverbial sleep sheep.
I have no idea how much/little sleep I got that night. All I know is that there were several contractions that made me think we'd be headed to the hospital before the day was done, I felt like I didn't sleep much at all, and once the alarm finally did go off, I somehow managed to drag myself out of bed to get ready for work. And once that happened, the contractions stopped. So I headed in for a very unproductive day of work.
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