
Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 32: Sept. 12

32 weeks.  That means 8 weeks left.  7 months.  November seems so. far. away.  I remember thinking back at the 6 month mark that once I got to this point, it would all seem downhill from here.  Wrong.  It doesn't seem so downhill at this point.  Two months has never felt so long in my entire life.  I don't ever remember this last part of pregnancy seeming so long...

Tim's work, our church, hosted yet another shower for us this week.  That blows my mind!  How many people are blessed enough to say that every one of their baby's has had a shower in their honor- all the way through their fourth?  And knowing that we are having another girl this time, there is not much we need.  We're pretty set on clothes, now that we've had a girl in both seasonal extremes.  After the shower, I sat down to write thank you cards for all the gifts and felt so humbled that there was just no way for me to convey how amazing I think it is that they would do that for us and for this new little one.

Can you guess what the gifts were, and what the gift cards were used for?  Diapers and more diapers!

In going through our things, though, I have had a new realization that's made me chuckle.  We have been through so much baby STUFF that there are a few things that could use round two.  A bouncy seat that no longer vibrates.  A front carrier that was a lesser, cheaper off brand to start with that now has a broken buckle.  A second changing pad would be good, since we'll have two in diapers once again.  But who wants to buy this stuff for a fourth baby?  So I've begun a mission to find people who would be kind enough to loan us a few of these items.

I've also been hearing all about Ergos lately.  It seems that Bjorns are a thing of the past, and Ergos are the new latest greatest things in front carriers.  So I find myself trying to justify getting my hands on yet another piece of baby gear, that we really probably don't need, but I sure would like to try out.   


  1. Amy! I didn't know that you are having another GIRL! Congrats! Hang in there and take care of yourself. :o)
    Amy Hoffmann

  2. I had to laugh because our bouncy seat doesn't vibrate either! We bought an Ergo for our third. It felt odd to buy something new for our last kid, but I love it, love it, love it! It is totally worth it. I couldn't find a used one, so we bought new. It also seems just extra useful for your youngest since you are dragging them around a lot more. :)
