
Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Little Mommy Pride

I'm in the kitchen getting lunch together the other day while my two favorite preschoolers are in the dining room playing "Going to Africa in Noah's Ark" under the very large dining room table covered in blankets of all varieties.  Pretty normal occurrence in our house.  And I hear my Princess Lou tell her brother, "Mr. Sir, guess what?  My teacher told me I could be Mary."

That part isn't quite a normal experience in our house.  The conversation was not directed to me, but upon overhearing it, I'm not gonna lie that my heart skipped a little beat.  Or two.  I headed straight for the ark that might have been floating somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean for all I knew to verify that I had just heard the story correctly.

"Princess, did I just hear you right?  Are you going to be Mary in the Christmas program this year?"

"Well, my teacher said I could."

This was followed by a long series of questions from me to investigate whether this was accurate information, or if my sweet, innocent, sometimes confused 5 year old had maybe misinterpreted the conversation with her teacher.  For all I can tell, she's got her facts straight.

I think I am more excited about this than she is!  Don't get me wrong; she's thrilled.  As evidenced by the fact that she deemed it worthy enough to report to her brother.  But I think I might be embarrassingly excited about this monumental event.  I mean, this is a big deal.  Mary is the coveted, sought after, main part in the Christmas play.  Only someone highly deserving gets such an important role.  I'm pretty sure it would have been enough glory to ride out an entire year for me if I would have ever had such an honor.  I don't think she gets it.

Or maybe...more likely...I don't get it.  As I'm discovering happens more frequently than I care to admit, maybe my 5 year old does have a better perspective than me.  She's excited.  Which is good.  But maybe instead of being so excited for Princess Lou, I should step back and shift my focus to what the story represents, God incarnate, here on earth, in the form of a babe.  WOW!!!  Maybe who gets to reenact the play 2000 years later isn't quite as important as the original nativity story.  And maybe it's possible that my 5 year old understands that better than I do!

But that's not gonna stop me from being just a little bit proud.  Or maybe I'll be absolutely humbled on the day of the program to learn that my sweet princess was more confused than I thought and ends up in a generic angel costume once again.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

"Chore Helper Checklist"

I've been on a mission lately.

In the last couple of months, I have spent a lot of time thinking about discipline.  I even started a post on it way back in August, but since then, I've discovered that this is more than a simple blog post can cure.  Maybe one day soon I'll discipline myself enough to finish that post.

Until then, let me share this little tidbit with ya.  Several weeks ago, I stumbled upon this little "chore helper" checklist.  I even got it on half-price sale.  :)  Anyway, I downloaded it immediately and put it to good use just as fast.  And let me tell you, it's my new love.  I'm maybe a little too obsessed with the checklist these days.

It's kinda hard to tell from the website, but I feel like this list is just exactly what I needed to help me keep on top of household chores.  I feel like this is something I have struggled with more than ever since our latest family member arrived last February, and this checklist keeps me both motivated and on top of the daily duties.  I love how it incorporates the usual household stuff with less frequent tasks like flipping your mattresses.

But my absolute most favorite part about having a checklist like this is that it helps keep me from being OCD about cleaning.  Sometimes I just avoid all cleaning because wiping the kitchen counters down might lead to emptying out every cupboard in the house to be vacuumed, washed and reorganized.  But with a simple checklist to keep me on task, I can wipe down the counters, check it off the list, feel productive and know that one day I am going to flip the page and it's going to say Dec. 5th: Clean out one kitchen cupboard.

Best of all, it even includes things like scrapbooking, baby books, and hobbies!  Yes, that's right, it includes those things as part of the daily "to-dos!"  So, if this is the kind of thing that helps you keep your house in order, check it out!

And I'm off- to check this off my Chore Helper Checklist!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


It's only taken me two months, but finally, I've returned to blogging world!  After months of agonizing over a title, defining my purpose in blogging, talking with a much wiser blogger friend (check her out here at Wonder Woman Wannabe), and procrastinating all of the above, I have finally hit the ground running (pun fully intended) and kicked it into gear.

I said several months ago that I was going to start a second blog to separate our family blog (where I post pictures and give updates on the kids) from my own personal outlet.  And now I've finally done it.  And although it may appear to anyone on the outside of the process as if I weren't very proactive about it (you know, because of the months of delay and all), I think the couple of months that I spent thinking through it all were very beneficial for  me.

First of all, I came to the realization that although it would be fun to be one of those blog addicts with thousands of followers, it would be: 1) way more work that I want to devote to this little hobby of mine and 2.) my purpose is more for myself.  My whole reason for writing this blog is self-serving.  I want an outlet mostly to process my life and writing is a great tool for me to do just that.  With that said, I have decided that I am fully secure and confident, regardless if anyone reads my blog or not, ever!

So, that brought me to the issue of the title.  I agonized for months over what to put at the top of this little hobby of mine.  And then I read two things in the last couple of days that have just reminded me of my current calling in life, and have driven home my mission in life and state of being.  And they are summed up very well in the title you find at the top.  Plus, it suits me well, as I like to kid myself and pretend that I am some kind of fitness guru, always training to be in peak physical shape.  (Let's be realistic- I know it's all in my head, but sometimes it's fun to pretend.)

And in case you're wondering, here are the things I mentioned that I've read recently:

Proverbs 31: The Woman Who Fears the Lord
Whew, that's a lofty list of characteristics.  Who can measure up to that?  Pretty sure no one.  But it sure does give me something to strive for and goals to work on.  Every time I read it, I am inspired to action.  There are several things that stuck out to me this time through.  I am sure that you'll read about how I am processing through it all soon!

Secondly, I reread this little passage:
"Parenting is your primary calling.  Parenting will mean that you can't do all the things that you could do otherwise.  It may mean your home does not look like a picture from Better Homes and Gardens...It will alter the kind of friendships you will be able to pursue.  It will influence the kind of ministry you are able to pursue...It will mean you can't develop every interest that comes along.  The costs are high."
Shepherding a Child's Heart, by Tedd Tripp

Wowsers, that's also a lot to swallow from my all-time favorite parenting book.  And put the two together, and I realize that I am a highly flawed wife and mother, who constantly desires to be better.  And yes, the way I see it, I am constantly "Training to be SUPERMOM!"  I have not arrived, and I am slowly realize I will NEVER fully arrive.  But I will always be training.  I look forward to the journey!

And I will welcome any of you to join me in the journey!