
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Week 37: The Home Stretch

After last weeks "scare," I now feel like this baby can come any time and we will be thrilled.  And since I am now at 37 weeks, it literally could be any time.  I am into the "safe" zone, at which I am considered full term, and there would be no stopping labor.  It's funny how that that mental milestone makes me feel so much more prepared and eager.  
But I had totally forgotten the feeling of wondering every day if this is going to be the day.  It's funny to wake up every morning and think, "What's the date?  Will this be my baby's birth day?"

I have decided to do my best to live in the moment, in spite of being anxious to meet this baby.  There isn't a whole lot of time left as a family of 5, and once this little girl arrives, life will most likely be pretty chaotic for awhile.  Who knows what kind of time I will get with my other 3 favorite little people once I am spending a good portion of my time feeding, changing, diapering and soothing a newborn.  So I want to cherish the moments now, and to make the most of our time together.  I want to savor the moments when I feel like I have life under control.  I want to love on and nurture each of my 3 special little people every chance I get.

I am also reminding myself that there is a good chance this might be the last time I am pregnant.  With that in mind, I want to hold on to the good things about it.  I want to enjoy feeling this baby move inside of me.  We all know that's by far the best part of pregnancy anyway, and I know that there will come a time when I will miss it.  Even though it sometimes keeps me from very restful sleep right now, I know that down the road, I will look back and wish I could experience that feeling again.  So I'm trying to savor the moments before they are gone forever.

Now, that's not to say that I am not fully looking forward to gaining full mobility once this baby comes out.  This time, more than any other, that is what I find myself most anticipating about not being pregnant- being able to have full range of motion, so to speak.  Full movement, flexibility, agility, whatever.  I just look forward to feeling "normal" again!

And now that we really truly could have a baby at any time, Tim has finally caught the name fervor.  We have been having more frequent discussions about who is going to win the great name debate.  I am not sure that we are all the way decided yet, but we're finally beginning to make some progress.

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